
Croí ( Heart )

I sing best when I sing from my heart.  This piece s born of a need to stop and listed to yourself, to be with yourself, to step out of the place of high alert and heal your body and your soul.  The vowels and the sounds bring about healing and facilitate meditation.

No one came for me

This song is about abandonment.  It is about not being heard and not being seen ;an acknowledgement of the pain suffered by those abandoned in institutions, and about the pain of anyone who has been or feels abandoned.


When we are down in the dumps it can be hard to fly.  Come up into the sky with me.

Síocháin is Grá  (Peace and Love)

This song is about peace and love which  are vital to our well-being.  Listen and be transported.

Slán (Goodbye)

This song is dedicated to those who have to endure grief.  I wrote it first for my mother in law’s funeral. I hope you find comfort in it.


This is a song that is soft, comforting.